At ESV, our people count, with mental health being a crucial aspect of our staff’s wellbeing.
This month ESV participated in a number of wellness activities to recognise RUOK? Day – we encouraged our staff to take time out of their day for themselves and practice some self-care.
We kicked off our RUOK? Day initiatives for 2021 with a firm wide event on how to ask, “RUOk?”. We wanted to inspire and empower our team to meaningfully connect with people around them and start a conversation with those who may be struggling in life.
We followed up with mindfulness meditation and a yoga session for the team. We are continuing to have virtual mindfulness and yoga sessions with our very wise yogi and mediation teacher, Paramjot Singh Khalsa. Paramjot has allowed us to connect with our subconscious and explore our mind. It is a valuable experience to take time for yourself to reflect and reset especially during this extended period of lockdown
To end the week we held a fun round of virtual Disney trivia.
Why Disney you ask?
Disney films teach us a lot about dealing with emotions even as a young child. They have deeper meanings behind them whether its teaching children about grief, being sad or having a fight with a friend / loved one. Children’s films are the foundation for a lot of emotional growth for some people and are often reflected on in a positive, nostalgic light. If Disney can break down barriers and stigmas around mental health – anyone can!

RUOk? Day is such an important initiative – perhaps now more so as lockdown can leave people feeling isolated and alone. We encourage everyone to reach out and ask their friends, family and colleagues the important question of “RUOK? Are you really ok?” on a regular basis. It’s a simple question, but it can be a tough one to ask. Don’t just ask today but tomorrow, next week and next month.
ESV is focusing on bringing the RUOk? message to our every day, by sharing more resources, running additional wellness initiatives and supporting our staff on their journey for growth.
If you or someone you know is struggling, check out – for some wonderful resources.